
Future of Learning

Future of Learning

Traditional learning institutions need to adapt to the rapid pace of change in the world to meet the needs of the digital age. The future of learning lies in shifting the focus from knowledge transfer to skill development, fostering critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and collaboration. This requires a transition from teacher-centered to student-centered approaches, with educators serving as facilitators and mentors rather than just sources of knowledge.

Maple Syrup Story - Take care of nature and nature will take care of you

Maple Syrup Story - Take care of nature and nature will take care of you

Maple syrup is a wonderful natural sweetener that showcases the symbiotic relationship between humans and nature. The production process of maple syrup demonstrates how taking care of nature can result in nature taking care of us. Derived from the sap of maple trees, maple syrup is obtained during the springtime when temperatures fluctuate between freezing and thawing. This is the ideal time for farmers to tap into nature's sweetest source of sugar and collect the sap. Through this process, we witness the magic of maple syrup, a gift from nature to be cherished.

East or West ?

East or West ?

In a blog post titled "Bridging the Gap: Embracing the Best of East and West in a Globalized World", the author discusses their experience of being born in the East but working with Western companies. They highlight the unique strengths and perspectives that each culture brings, emphasizing the importance of integrating these values for powerful outcomes. The East is known for collectivism and community ties, while the West focuses on individualism and personal freedom.

Honest business is a sustainable business

Honest business is a sustainable business

This blog explores the connection between simplicity, hard work, and environmental consciousness in finding happiness and success. The author shares their thoughts after visiting friends who have chosen to live a simple life in the country, prioritizing nature and honest work. Despite living in a developed country, they have intentionally chosen to stay away from the distractions and attractions of the modern world. The friends, in their 60s, have plans to expand their businesses in a mindful and sustainable manner.